Admin Job

Stati Uniti
Lexington, KY, Stati Uniti
Pubb: 14 Oct 2024
Lexington Philharmonic

Lexington Philharmonic

Patron Experience Manager

$43,888 p/year
The Patron Experience Manager is responsible for box office and front-of-house operations for LexPhil concerts and events, provides staff support through information and database management, and contributes to marketing and development activities throughout the year. This position is the first point of contact for most LexPhil patrons and requires excellent customer service and communication skills to ensure that patrons and donors receive concierge-level customer service. The Patron Experience Manager provides all staff with data, reports and strategy that support program participation, audience building, and fundraising activities. Marketing and Development activities are integrated throughout the job scope. This role works most closely with the Executive Director (ED), Development Director, and Marketing & Communications Manager. This position spends 60% of time on Patron Services (box office and front of house), 30% of time on information management, and 10% on development.
scadenza: 01 Nov 2024
Più informazioni/How to apply:
Full Patron Experience Manager Job Listing
LexPhil Patron Experience Manager Position (pdf)
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