
Brescia, Italia
Pubb: 16 Sep 2024
Contemporary Euphonium | Masterclass with Marina Boselli

Contemporary Euphonium | Masterclass with Marina Boselli

12 - 13 Oct, 2024

Contemporary Euphonium | October 12-13

An intensive weekend with Marina Boselli to deepen the technical and mechanical knowledge of brass instruments, learn the specific semiography and the different choices of the authors, experience the instrument live, interacting with the performer. Francesco Manenti, will present the research
work, carried out with Marina Boselli, on the development of preparations, augmentations and extensions for Euphonium, with particular attention to the impact on instrumental practice.

The masterclass is aimed at composers and performer, open to listeners.

For more details, please visit

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scadenza: 10 Oct 2024
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