Performance Job

Durban, Sudafrica
Pubb: 27 Aug 2024
KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra

KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra

Principal French Horn

Position: Principal French Horn

The KZN Philharmonic Orchestra is a full-time professional orchestra based in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Previous orchestral experience is essential. The salary package includes six weeks of paid leave, medical benefits, and settling-in assistance.

INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS – Application Deadline - 29 November 2024. Please see attached information regarding Recorded Audition Applications and how to apply.

SOUTH AFRICAN CITIZENS & RESIDENTS – CV for Live Audition Deadline - 15 November 2024. Applicants must send a detailed CV to:

Live Auditions are to be held in Durban on 2 December 2024

For any queries contact:
scadenza: 29 Nov 2024 23:59 GMT
Candidarsi tramite musicalchairs
Più informazioni:
International Applicants Important Information (pdf)
Audition material (pdf)
Recording requirements (pdf)
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