Instrument Sale

Pubb: 21 May 2024

Cello Bow:

Victor Fétique 1930 / Charles Louis Bazin 1920

Prezzo: On demand
Cello bow made by Victor FETIQUE
Paris in 1930
Stick: Octagonal in beautiful orange-red brown pernambuco
Frog: Ebony with silver mountings
Weight: 80g
Original in all its main parts.
Price on demand.
Cello bow made by Charles Louis BAZIN Mirecourt in 1920.
Stick: Round, superb deep red pernambuco
Frog: Ebony with silver mountings
Weight: 80g
Original in all its main parts.
Price on demand
Both bows are from the private collection of a professional cellist.
Certification: Both bows have a certificate of authenticity from Pierre Guillaume
I. S

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