Strumento Rubato

Regno Unito
Regno Unito
Pubb: 13 Jun 2016

Juraj Vancik Brataslava 2012 Violin

Stolen: 16 May 2016 - Ealing London W13 8BU

Taken from car while unloading.
Descrizione dello strumento:
This violin is a copy of a Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesu "Le Violon du Diable". The Label reads "Juraj Vancik Brataslava 2012" and is easily identified by the grain, base side (G String side) of the C bout section of the rib, (See Photo) The grain does not align with rest of the rib on that side. It was stolen in a black oblong case with canvas cover and back straps made by "Padi" and had a german and a french bow in the case. It is also worth adding that the picture shows a black over-tail-piece chin rest but this has been changed to a black Karl Flesch chin rest. Please get in touch if you have any information.
Dermot Crehan
Tel: 00447966394952

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