
TRANI and BARI, Italien
Veröff.: 16 Jul 2024
Concert Debut: A String and Piano Chamber Music Masterclass

Concert Debut: A String and Piano Chamber Music Masterclass

18 - 21 Nov, 2024

Alessandro Deljavan (piano), Anastasia Ushakova (cello), Lisa Yasuda (violin), Masterclass for Piano, violin, cello and chamber music groups.
Each Chamber music group will perform in concert at the Kursaal Theatre Bari.
There will be assigned prizes:
1) The best musicians under 17 years old will be invited directly (without preselection) to the legendary TCHAIKOVSKY INTERNATIONAL YOUTH COMPETITION 2025.
2) The best musicians will be invited to perform at the 2025 TCHAIKOVSKY INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL in Moscow
The organisation offers free accommodation for the participants.
The organisation offers to provide 2 meals per day at the price of 6,50€.
Application fee (to be paid only once by the Chamber group) : 150 euros
Tuition fee (to be paid by each member of the Chamber group) : 260 euros
Applications will be accepted in order of arrival, up to the maximum number foreseen
Bewerbungsschluss: 15 Sep 2024
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