
Vienna, österreich
Veröff.: 12 Sep 2024
Workshop for singers by Giuseppe Ravì

Workshop for singers by Giuseppe Ravì

12 - 15 Dec, 2024

Join this transformative 4-day workshop for singers and immerse yourself in a thoughtfully crafted program designed exclusively to refine your skills and unlock your full potential!

This workshop will guide you in deepening the connection between your voice, body, and emotions, allowing you to express your artistic intentions with greater authenticity and freedom. Giuseppe Ravì will guide you in aligning your intention with expression, mastering breath control, and unleashing your expressive strengths. By focusing on enhancing your stage presence and fostering artistic growth, you will create stage confidence and flow.

Early Bird Registration until October 17, 2024! Maximum 8 singers, secure your spot now!

Final showcase in Kleiner Ehrbar Saal in Vienna on December 15th at 6 p.m.

Piano accompanist: MgA. Johanna Haniková, Ph.D.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our workshop!
Bewerbungsschluss: 09 Nov 2024
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