Performance Job

Visby, Schweden
Veröff.: 03 Jun 2024


A Clarinet Player for Gotland Wind Quintet

Audition September 10 and 11

Repertoire: W A Mozart – Clarinet concerto in A major K622, 1st and 2nd movements

Additional repertoire including ensemble repertoire will be published at in the beginning of July. GotlandsMusiken provides a pianist and there will be a possibility for rehearsal in connection with the audition.

As a full-time clarinet player at GotlandsMusiken, most of the job will involve playing in the wind quintet but also in the wind orchestra together with the institution’s two other ensembles: Gotland Brass sextet and Gotland Jazz trio. The position also includes the obligation to play bass clarinet. As we are a small institution, there are great opportunities to influence both repertoire choices and concert ideas.

Last day for application will be August 13!

Send your application with resume to

If you have any questions, please contact
Director Helena Wessman +46 70-311 64 74
Producer Jonatan Olofzon +46 70-972 72 18
Union representative Alice Skagerfält-Quayle +46 79-301 14 07
Bewerbungsschluss: 13 Aug 2024
Weitere angaben/How to apply:
More information and audition repertoire
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