Gestohlenes Instrument

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Veröff.: 14 May 2013

Selmer Mark VI Alto and Soprano saxophones stolen

Stolen: 06 Apr 2013 - Tempe, Arizona

Beschreibung des Instruments:
I had both of my Selmer Mark VI saxophones stolen from my house in Tempe, Arizona on April 5/6, 2013. The alto has a serial number of 240297 and was in a black tri-pack case with a black vinyl cover. The soprano is a straight soprano and has a serial number of 267173 and was also in a black case. Both saxophones were in excellent condition although they needed some new corks, pads, etc. I'm offering a $100 reward for each saxophone - please help me find them!
Tim Fisher
Tel: 602-625-4548

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