Gestohlenes Instrument

Veröff.: 28 Jul 2012

Cello bow

Stolen: 23 Jul 2012 - 12:28 Uhr - Düsseldorf, subway 74 stop: Holthausen

Beschreibung des Instruments:
dear all, please post this to all your friends and especially to all bow- and violinmakers you know. thanks a lot!! on monday 23rd of juli i lost a bow in the subway of düsseldorf. its a goldbow made by joseph peter gabriel (there is a stamp at the frog), a significant sign is the frog made of tortoise shell (Schildpatt). if you have heard anything about this bow, please contact me or directly the police. thanks a lot for your support, Sarah
Sarah Wiederhold
Tel: +49 (0) 176 23947541

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