Gestohlenes Instrument

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Veröff.: 02 Apr 2018


Stolen: 03 Apr 2018 - Unknown - Streamwood, illinois

Instrument stolen from my home at the the time at 1428 N. Greenmeadows, Ave, Streamwood, Illinois. Hard black case. Rosin. Horse hair bow. Pitchpipe.
Beschreibung des Instruments:
There is $10,000 reward for return of instrument. Not a Stradivarius, but that name is inscribed inside the instrument. Paperwork inside the case has my name. There is a pitch pipe and square block of rosin from Hewgley's Music, Chicago. Call 423-772-3450
scott vandam
Tel: 4237723450

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