Performance Job

Glasgow, Royaume-Uni
Publié: 22 Aug 2024
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra

BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra

Tutti Double Bass No. 4

• To play as Tutti No 4 Double Bass, stepping up as required.
• To maintain the high standard of professional playing and musical and artistic excellence required by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
• To be fully prepared to perform relevant parts, including solos, in advance of the first working session of each project.
• To support professionally and work collaboratively with your Section Principal and all members of the Section.
• To build and support positive working relationships, to support professionally and work collaboratively with all members of the Orchestra, Orchestra management, freelance players and guest Conductors and Artists engaged by the Orchestra.
• As required, to play a role in the orchestra’s recruitment, with due regard for confidentiality and data protection; to participate in audition panels and trial assessment meetings (including writing brief audition and trial notes), and attend orchestral and artistic meetings.
• To engage in the general activities of the Orchestra, such as attendance at meetings, promotional activity and training, and to act as an ambassador for the BBC/Orchestra.
• To engage with and contribute to the Orchestra’s learning and outreach activity.
• To be a role model for BBC Values and to work in accordance with the BBC/MU Agreement and all other BBC policies and guidelines.
• To actively engage with all BBC processes and policies, including Feedback Conversations.
• To support the Orchestra’s Diversity and Inclusion strategy.
• To work in accordance with BBC Health and Safety guidelines and policy.
Date limite: 27 Sep 2024 22:59 GMT
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Plus d'information:
Audition criteria and video submission instructions (pdf)
Job Description (pdf)
Audition pack (pdf)
BBC Values (pdf)
Voir profil de l'institution
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