Instrument Sale

Publié: 13 May 2024

Violin Bow:

Bow collection of old German masterpieces

Prix: 900EUR
The following master bow makers with expertise from C.H.Schmidt Dresden are in the bow collection. Visit and try out playing near Hamburg by appointment.
Franz-Albert Nürnberger, silver mounted, built 1915, 58g
H.R. Pfretzschner, german silver, built 1915, 57,9g
Otto Albert Hoyer "Parisian" silver mounted, built 1930, 57g
Paul Conrad Schubert, silver mounted, built 1930, 59,4g
Richard Gründke, silver mounted, built about 1970, 60,5g
Penzel Emil Max, silver mounted, built about 1920, 58g
Penzel Emil Max, silver mounted, built about 1930, 60,8g
Herrmann Edwin Otto, silver mounted, built 1930, 63,8g
Oskar Max Schäffner silver mounted, built in HH 1920, 56,7g
Oskar Max Schäffner, silver mounted, built in HH 1930, 55,6g
All parts of the bows are originall, belong together and are in perfect condition. All bows are made from the best pernambuco wood.
All bows have new bow rehairings. Prices are from 900,-EUR to 4000,- EUR.
Certification: n/a
Stefan Hansen
Tel: 004915204261721

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