Stolen Instrument

掲載日: 30 Apr 2024

Buffet Crampon Double case, clarinet R13 Greenline in A and clarinet YCL 450N

Stolen: 16 Feb 2024 - Maison symphonique de Montréal, Québec

I got my instruments stolen attending a concert. Any help would be really appreciated!!
The double case is from Buffet Crampon and has a red interior. / The Serial number of the R13 Greenline (clarinet in A) is: 71557 / For the Yamaha 450N (clarinet in Bb), it has a changed thumb-rest (Ton Kooiman Etude 3). I’ve put photos found online on what the thumb-rest and the double case look like.
Thierry Siméon
Tel: 4384984614

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