
掲載日: 22 Feb 2017

Scaranpella signed 'cello 1882, very distinctive wide cracked varnish with a relief effect

Stolen: 09 Feb 2016 - France, between Paris and Lyon

It was stolen with another cello and a double bass in the truck of Les Musiciens du Louvre.
Violoncelle portant la marque au fer apocryphe G. Scarampella Fiorenzo 1882 verni fortement craquelé très large avec effet relief marqué. Fond en hêtre. ARCHET classique Augagneur Bergeron Lyon verni clair ARCHET moderne Augagneur Bergeron Lyon STOLEN CELLO Scaranpella signed 'cello 1882, identifiable by a very distinctive wide cracked varnish with a relief effect. Photo attached. STOLEN BOWS: A classical model with ivory button, ebony and silver from the maker Augagneur Bergeron in Lyon. A modern bow with ebony and silver made by Augangneur Bergeron in Lyon. CASE: White 'cello case made by Accor, Montagnana model, with an Fielder backstrap system attached.
Westphal Vérène
Tel: +33660573334

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